Tuesday, 15 May 2007


Having had 3 children all completly unique as all baby's are, one thing I know is absolutely true baby's love rountine, Yes its boring, it interups your previously "I'll just do this, go here lifestyle but believe me it pays you dividends.

Also please please remember anything you start with for baby care when they are tiny and new and cute in this rountine is with you for years!!!

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Parents most useful baby toy

One of our favorite toys is a baby nest with an over head frame. Your baby can be safe while you get on with things around her. There are lots of different things to look at and when they sit up its great too because they can play with all the textures and squeaky bits. If you have not seen one of these toys its basically an inflatable tyre covered in a colourful fabric with a tubeler plastic frame over the top with hanging toys to play with its great fun for both parents and babies.

Saturday, 12 May 2007

Baby care Cuddly Toy

All my 3 children had, and still have a musical cuddly toy.
One had a bear with light up cheeks, the other two had a Winnie the Pooh laying on a cushion that changed colour and played a musical tune. All worked great for the bedtime routine's.
Tip once you have used these baby toys make certain You have a cupboard full of battery's. Believe me it isn't pleasant when you go to put them to bed......... and no batteries.

Tip Purchase some rechargeable battery's usually they take "AA" ones which can come in many power ratings and last for a long time. As you will be using the toys every night the problems with battery discharge does not matter, but it will save you quite a lot of money over the year and its better for the environment. If you can afford it buy the Maximum power rating battery because the toy is for young children they sometimes make it quite difficult to change them, it cuts out some of the hassle.

Friday, 11 May 2007

Baby Bed time

We found an over cot mobile is a good buy for your baby care because your baby will love watching this revolve and play music.

Another item we liked for value for money was a fabric bumper that you attach to the side of the cot and on one side it is shapes, faces etc in black and white for when baby is learning to focus.
Later this can be reversed to more interesting colourful pictures.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007