Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Fitting The New Baby In

I thought this was worth a read because most people have problems finding room for the new arrival.

Sometimes all the talk in the baby magazines and websites can ring a bit hollow when the subject turns to putting together a baby's room for your newborn. Those articles and books about decorating an adorable baby's room work from the presumption that you have an entire room you can give over to the baby.

But if you live in a small apartment like many of us do, you are going to have to adapt that dream. You are just as excited about the coming of that new baby to your home as anyone else. But you have to be a bit more creative especially when it comes to baby furniture.

Often the solution for how to accommodate the baby is simply to superimpose the baby's stuff on top of your stuff. For her crib or cradle, at least at first, you may need to bring the baby into the same room with mom and dad. This is where a crib that attaches to your bed so it doesn't get far away is a good choice. And for the nursing months, this is actually preferable so when baby wakes up hungry, mom or dad is right there.

As the baby gets older and perhaps needs a crib separate from parents, this is where some creative use of dividers can be very effective at creating the illusion of two rooms out of one. You can create a small space in the master bedroom perhaps no bigger than the crib itself and let baby sleep back there out of the glare of lights and separate from daddy's snoring at least a little bit.

But because you really don't have a separate space to set aside for baby, you may have to integrate the baby furniture in with the living room or dining room things. You can keep a baby's dresser in the living room and when the time comes to entertain, drape it with an elegant cloth to disguise what it is and then decorate it with potpourri and other decorative items so the baby furniture converts to a nondescript display piece that nobody needs to know why its there.

Similarly, toy chests, changing tables and other items that are needed from time to time can be stored away behind other things to be brought out when needed and slipped away again when not needed. Items needed to go out with baby such as a baby carrier, stroller and baby car seat can just live in the car back seat or trunk and never come into the apartment at all.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to find some overflow storage to use for items you must be able to lay your hands on but they don't need to be around every day. Or this storage could be used for mom and dad's stuff while baby takes up space in the apartment on the hedge that at some time in the near future you will move into a place with more space so that storage unit can be cancelled.

Raising a family in any setting takes creative thinking and the ability to solve problems. So if you need to make some accommodations to allow baby into your life, it wont be the last time that your lifestyle got a significant restructuring because of this sweet little life that basically moves in and takes over. But it's worth it for her little smile and the joy she brings you. And so you are a bit crowded. You're a family now and that is what is important.

By: Marie Wilson
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Tuesday, 15 January 2008

What Does Proper Skin Care for Babies Include?

What Does Proper Skin Care for Babies Include?
By: Louise Forrest

You are a brand new parent, and you are just bringing your first child home. You are naturally excited and cannot wait to get the newborn baby back home. However, there is so much to do now and everything is down to you.

Now is the time where you will realize exactly how prepared you are! Do you know everything there is to know about looking after your babys skin? Do you know what skin care products to use? The answer is, probably not! However, it is completely normal to know little about keeping your babies skin nice and
healthy. Luckily, there is help at hand!

Looking after Babies Skin
On the television, adverts always tell you the obvious - that a babys skin is very fragile. However, for some new parents they might be unaware of this and therefore it is best to try and find out sooner, rather than later about what is needed. Some baby care products can cause irritation to the baby or can cause allergic reactions so it is always better to know which products to actually go for.

There are several types of skin care products which are used most frequently for all newborn babies. However, before buying these products, you should always check to see what is in them.

You can use a small amount of soap on the baby, but always make sure that it is a mild soap containing ingredients such as olive, coconut, or even palm oil. You should refrain from using antibacterial soaps, as this can often cause skin irritations.

After you have used soap on the baby, you need to replenish the skins oils, so try to use a soothing oil or lotion which contains saturated oils. The benefit of this, is that most babies are not sensitive to the saturated oils and so they are a lot safer to sue overall.

You should never give young babies bubble baths, as the ingredients can cause some serious problems. A way around this is to add maybe some lavender oil to the water (a small amount). It would be safer to mix the Lavender oil with carrier oil, such as almond oil, before adding it to the water. This is because most essential oils are too harsh on the skin when used alone. Before using any aromatherapy oils you should consult your doctor to check that they are not harmful to the baby.

All babies have different types of hair and whilst some babies tend to have a lot of hair, others have hardly any what so ever. For the babies with hardly any hair shampooing does not need to be done very often at all. However for babies with oily, longer hair, a mild shampoo is often recommended.

Some babies can suffer terribly from skin conditions including nappy rash. Massaging certain lotions and oils into the babys skin can relieve the irritation and sooth inflammation. Make sure you that you get the right one for your baby though, in order to prevent making the problem worse. Ingredients you should look for in baby products include chamomile and aloe, as these two ingredients have been proven to help soothe and to moisturize the babies skin.

A good product to use on babies is the Johnson baby range. The Johnson brand baby lotion is ideal for newborn skin and it really does help to keep the skin soft and smooth.

Overall, having a baby can be hard work but there are hundreds of products out there to choose from. It is all a matter of trial and error and nobody is expected to get things right the first time around. Parenthood is about making mistakes and finding out what works best for your baby. If you are unsure as to which products to use, you can always consult your doctor or midwife. They will be able to tell you exactly what you can and cannot use and it will really help to put your mind at ease!

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Louise Forrest has created the ultimate FREE Health & Beauty guide. Find out how you can gain access to FREE natural skin care articles, tips and techniques at See how your new born baby will benefit from a range oforganic baby skin care products at